
Thank you for choosing to join IDA, we are very happy to welcome you. Your child has the option to be part of an exciting, friendly academy where pupil’s talents will prosper in a safe and enjoyable way. Below are the terms and conditions students and parents must agree to before signing up.


Every term will be ten weeks in duration and charged accordingly, if your child is absent we would still require payment. If the academy has to cancel due to inclement weather conditions or staff/instructor absence, the session will be replaced at a convenient time for both student and staff/instructor. Unfortunately, as fees are agreed upon in advance, we cannot offer refunds or replacement sessions for individuals who miss a session. We do not stipulate that termly payment is received upfront, weekly payment is acceptable if preferable.


Pupils must purchase IDA t-shirts for £17 and a hoodie for £25. Wearing a uniform is mandatory to provide unity within the group. Please ensure long hair is tied back and all jewellery is removed.

If you take part in any activities with the International Drama Academy you will need to agree to the following terms and conditions. You must tick the terms and conditions box for successful registration.


1. All teachers have a DBS check (formerly CRB), are insured, and are aware of our child protection policy. (Available on request) However, due to the nature of teaching theatre performance, sometimes it is necessary to correct the children’s positioning physically. This is always conducted with the utmost care and professionalism.

2. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions will be updated on the website

International Drama Academy Liabilities

3. IDA cannot be held responsible or liable for any cancellations, loss, injury or damage to persons or belongings.

4. IDA holds Public Liability Insurance.

5. IDA does not accept responsibility for loss, damage or injury arising from errors or omissions on the registration form whether completed by you or the person in charge of your child at the time of enrolment.

6. IDA does not accept liability for death or personal injury to any child attending rehearsals/performances, with the exception of such injury being caused by negligence or default of any member of our staff or any other default on our part.

7. IDA does not accept any responsibility for damage or loss to personal property.

8. IDA does not accept responsibility for any loss or expense due to circumstances beyond our control including; natural disasters, national emergency, transport, fire, weather and other such actions.

9. IDA is only responsible for the children during rehearsals. We cannot be held liable outside of any rehearsal times.

Responsibilities of the Parent or Guardian

10. These terms and conditions constitute an agreement between you and us in connection to classes or any services superseding any prior agreement.

11. Attendance at rehearsals is deemed to be acceptance of the current Terms and Conditions.

12. It is the responsibility of the Parent or Guardian to notify IDA of any illness or injury that may affect the child’s participation.

13. It is the responsibility of the Parent or Guardian to ensure that we have the correct details for you and your child and keeps us updated of any changes to health.

14. In the event that we consider you to be in breach of these terms and conditions we reserve the right to exclude your child from any activity within IDA.

15. In the event your child is disruptive to other pupils or staff, teachers or venue staff, we reserve the right to exclude your child from any activity within IDA.

16. IDA hire premises from 3rd Parties; therefore all IDA Staff, Parents, Guardians and pupils must abide by the rules of conduct as set out by those Third Parties.

17. Photographs and video footage of pupils taken by IDA may be used on our website and for publicity purposes. If you do not wish your child’s image used for these purposes you must inform IDA in writing.


Privacy Statement

IDA request the following information via our online Registration Forms when you join our academy:

Pupil’s full name; date of birth; parent/carer’s full name; address; contact telephone number; email address; current school attending; year group, medical conditions.  

  • All the information we request on the Registration Form is required in order to register your child at IDA, ensuring their safety at all times.

  • Your information is NEVER passed on to any third party companies. IDA does not share any information with any other company for marketing or any other purpose. It is solely used for IDA.

  • IDA is committed to keeping the data you provide secure and will take reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from loss, misuse or alteration to comply with the new GDPR regulations as of 25th May 2018.

  • You have the right to request a copy of any information that we currently hold about you and your child. In order to receive such information please contact us in writing. Please allow up to 1 month for this request to be processed. Once removed, IDA will not contact you again unless you consent to your data being held with us [IDA] again.

  • Consent can be withdrawn at any time by informing us in writing. Please allow up to 1 month for this request to be processed.

  • Once your child has left IDA, we will remove all personal data held on our termly registers about you and your child. It will continue to be held securely on our main Academy database for future marketing by us [IDA] alone to use. This data can be removed at any time by request. Please allow up to 1 month for this request to be processed.

  • No credit or debit card information is held by IDA.


Risk Assessment

A copy of the IDA Risk Assesment 2020 can be viewed here in PDF format.