based on Disney pixar’s ‘Luca’

for Key Stage 1 students
(eyfs, Years 1&2)

two Day performing arts workshop

10th & 11th August 2021

Two Day Performing Arts Workshop: £30

Classes are from: 10am - 3pm

Venue: Blue Hall at Plumberow Primary Academy, Hamilton Gardens, Hockley SS5 5BX

Children should bring lunch & drinks

Please fill out the online application form below.

A member of the IDA Team will send you a confirmation email and more information once your application has been successful.

For any further details or questions please contact:


SIGN UP FOR the ks1 level (eyfs, years 1&2)
‘luca’ performing arts workshoP
Please complete thIS form



Cost & PAYMEnt

Two day workshop: KS1 Students - 10th & 11th August 2021.
Workshop fee is £30.
Payment details will be sent out once sign up has been received.

Terms and Conditions

Please note that students and parents must read and agree to our Terms and Conditions before signing up.