LAMDA Classes spring 2022
Improve self-expression, self-assurance and most importantly, have fun!
all year groups:
wednesday after school: 15.30 to 16.30
All classes will be taught in A2/A3.
£100 for the spring term.
Please fill out the sign up form below.
For any further details or questions please contact:
TO SIGN UP FOR the LAMDA spring term
Please complete thIS form
Successful applicants will receive details of how to pay the course fees after filling in the sign up form.
Cost & PAYMEnt
Bank Name: Lloyds
Name of Company: International Drama Academy Ltd
Account Number: 59374160
Sort Code: 30-98-97
If your child is absent we would still require payment. If the academy has to cancel due to inclement weather conditions or staff/instructor absence, the session will be replaced at a convenient time for both student and staff/instructor. Unfortunately, as fees are agreed upon in advance, we cannot offer refunds or replacement sessions for individuals who miss a session.
(If your child qualifies for any discounts you will be notified in writing)
Terms and Conditions
Please note that students and parents must read and agree to our Terms and Conditions before signing up.
IDA Uniform
Uniform: Students will wear their normal school uniform.